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New Theleme’s menu ⭐ Discover the chef’s inspirations

étoile michelin

Located a stone’s throw from Place de l’Etoile in Paris, the Théâtre de La Scène Thélème aspires to promote engaging repertoires and aesthetics between contemporary creations by established artists and those from the emerging scene.

Since its inception in 2016, its aim is to be a breeding ground for an intimate, eclectic theatre that challenges, questions, and grapples with the march of the time, all while being an integral part of Paris’s dynamic 17th arrondissement.
Johnny Lebigot – © Le Photographe du Dimanche

Jean-Marie Gurné

Directeur du théâtre
Amoureux de théâtre et de bonnes tables, Jean-Marie Gurné a crée en un lieu le rapprochement dont il rêvait entre nourritures terrestres et nourritures spirituelles.
Bringing theater to life and making it accessible without distorting its essence