La Scène Thélème.
A unique and intimate experience
Amicalement la Haine
Amicalement la Haine est le récit d’un quadragénaire homosexuel, victime de deux agressions haineuses dans la même nuit, une nuit de désastre à Copenhague.

Scène Thélème Theatre
Located a stone’s throw from the Place de l’Etoile in Paris, the Théâtre de La Scène Thélème aspires to promote engaging repertoires and aesthetics

The Art of Being a Gourmet
By interpreting a montage of excerpts from the “Grand Dictionnaire de la Cuisine” by Alexandre Dumas interpolated with texts by Brillat-Savarin and others from the 19th century, Thibault de Montalembert and Hélène Babu will pay homage to the pleasure of words and cuisine.

Jacques Weber presents Hugo at the Bistro
Victor Hugo’s adventure at the bistro aims to bring the theatre back into direct contact with the spectators, as if they were settling down somewhere where daily exchanges take place: the bistro.